Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Sex n Marriage with Robots by 2050

Hi viewers, lets have a view about where the world will be around 2050.It will be all about sex rather with the latest techs.

Levy predicts that human could marry robots within the century.He said "My forecasts is that around 2050, the state of Massachusetts will be the first jurisdiction to legalise marriages with the robots."Levy recently completed his PhD work on the subject ofhuman robot relationship,covering many of the practices that generally come with the marriages as well as outside of it.

The possibility of sex with the robots could prove a mix bag for humanity.Respecting the fact that plenty of people ,out of moral or religious conviction.will contemplate this with horror,Levy predicts that many will ocassionally go for machine matting.

This also will posts a serious of questions like inheriting the properties and so.where it will end....?

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